You can reach us using the below coordinates. You can also follow our OFFICIAL Social Media Handles on Facebook , Instagram  and LinkedIn  for updates regarding our Language Courses. Alternatively, you can use the contact form below to send in your query and our respective teams shall get back to you at the earliest.

Contact Linguaphiles any time and we will be very happy to assist you. To get in touch with our respective teams, kindly refer to the  contact details listed below :

Working hours : 09:00 IST – 21:00 IST

Mobile/WhatsApp : +91 8805 86 8805

Email address
: [email protected]

Language courses (English/French/German/Spanish) [email protected]

Language services (Translation/Interpretation/Voice-over) : [email protected]

Career opportunities : [email protected]

You can also subscribe to our OFFICIAL YouTube channel to learn French with our short grammar and vocabulary videos.